Saturday, 6 October 2012


~ bismillahirrahmanirrahim ~

ok readers....

tomorrow i'm going to be a representative from faculty of shariah and law to play a handball.....
actually, i'm a little bit nervous about the game is because all of us never have a practice even once...

hopefully, tomorrow everything is going as plan...insyaallah....

I suddenly remembered when I was still called the fundamental law student at uitm shah alam...
 i remember the moment when girls were practicing how to play handball while boys were practicing how to play futsal....

that best moment at uitm shah alam will not come back because currently now i'm studying in usim...

:'( .... :'( .... :'(

ok...thats all for tonight... :)

here are some pictures from HAKA a.k.a "HARI KECEMERLANGAN ASASI" at uitm shah alam

women as a representative of handball (2nd place )
men as a representative of  futsal         (winner)

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